Study Abroad Guide: 8 Smartphone Apps You Need To Survive in Amsterdam

We live in such a lucky time where we can find almost any information right from the palm of our hands. But when you move to another country, you may not necessarily know the apps locals use daily. Here are the apps you must download to start living like a true Dutch.


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This one is #1 for a reason. 9292 is the transportation app used for all around the Netherlands. It tells you the times and location for trains, trams and buses which is super convenient since the schedules at the station can be confusing. Although you may be using your bike most of the time, this app will become handy when you want to travel to the airport, other cities or get stuck in the rain and want a (dry) ride back.

2. Im In

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Special thanks to my Dutch friend for this one. If you like free stuff, then this app for you. Im In offers chances for you to win free entrances to events around the city like festivals, concerts and even some of the hottest clubs. It’s fun app where you need to spin a wheel and hope for the best. Some events even let you bring a friend along for free!

3. Foodora, Deliveroo,


Amsterdam gets pretty innovative when it comes to delivering food. They deliver them on bikes and you can order basically anything, not just chinese food and pizza. Believe me you’ll want these apps on your phone when it’s 7PM and everything is closed including the grocery store and don’t have anything to cook.

4. Square Cash


If you’re studying abroad, chances are your access to cash may be very limited. There will be times when you need a friend to cover you for lunch etc. and need to pay them back. This app allows you send money directly from your bank account (including the one back home) to your friend’s account. It sends money instantly and there’s no fee.

5. My Vodafone

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One of my biggest struggles abroad was finding an affordable pre-paid monthly phone service. Vodafone worked with my American iPhone and I paid for data as I went. You can buy data cards at grocery stores but I finally find out buying online was so much easier. Especially when you’re on the go and are in desperate need of Internet.

6. Albert Heijn

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You can live in Amsterdam without visiting AH. I am huge fan of coupons and saving money, I mean who isn’t? So I suggest you get a AH rewards card (it’s free) and use this app to stay up-to-date on the best deals and what’s available in store.

7. Google Translate and Google Maps

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Chances are you already have these apps on your phone but don’t delete them, you’ll be using it a lot abroad. Although you can easily communicate in English, there will be certain times when you need a translation, at the grocery store for example. Google maps will be your best friend when it comes to navigating throughout the city. It’s small but can be confusing at first. They also have the bike route option, which you’ve probably never had to use before until now.

8. GlobeConvert

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As of right now, the Euro is very similar to the USD but you never know when that might change so having a currency converter on your phone can come in handy, especially if you plan on traveling to country that doesn’t use Euros. This app also converts lbs to kg, gallons to liters, and the temperature because you know America just wanted to make everything so difficult.

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