KIKO Milano Opens in NYC

NO need to book a plane ticket to Europe to get your hands on KIKO, the #1 Italian makeup brand. KIKO has finally made it’s way to the big apple and opened a bricks-and-mortar at the new Westfield World Trade Center Mall.

When I first mentioned KIKO on my blog, I never thought I’d be able to see this brand again unless I flew to Europe. I stocked up on my favorite product, the black eyeliner (it’s seriously the only pencil that stay on my water line the whole day) but now I’m happy that I’ll be able to continue to buy from them and now you can too!

KIKO is known for being inexpensive (think drugstore prices) but delivering amazing quality. The first time you walk in you’ll find yourself saying,”Wait, what? It’s only that much?” because it looks like it should be so much more especially their lip products. Right now, these lipsticks are only $3.90 on their website (originally: $12.00)

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The packaging is beautiful and it’s makes you feel like you’re buying something from MAC w/o the hefty price tag. Plus, it’s an Italian brand so chances are when you pull it out in front of your friends they won’t know about it and then you can be the first one to say how amazing it is (;

End of story, if you’re around the city and #1 haven’t checked out the new mall, then head downtown and make sure to pop into KIKO, it’s right across from Forever 21.

Happy shopping | XOXO

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