6 Things to do in Amsterdam with Your Partner

If you’re planning a trip to Amsterdam with your significant other, make sure to add these things to your to-do list for an unforgettable experience!


Vondel Park

If the weather’s on the bright side (which is rare in Amsterdam) then take advantage and do what the locals do and head over the most famous park in the Netherlands, Vondel Park. You’ll be surprised on the large amounts of people laying on the grass and simply taking in the sun. My tip is to pack a blanket, stop by a local supermarket (Albert Heijn), grab cheap wine and bread/cheese for a picnic in the park. The park is a short walk away from Leidseplein.


Pluk Amsterdam

Once you get off the main touristic streets like Damrack, it’s hard not to notice the endless number of cafés. If you truly want to have a European experience avoid eating at large restaurant chains and enjoy a cup of coffee or lunch at a Dutch café. Most of these cafés are small and quiet so the atmosphere can truly be romantic. These are a few of my favorites:

Bagel & Beans, CT coffee & Coconut (De Pijp), Pluk (Jordaan), Bedford Stuyvesant (Oost), Dr. Blend (West)


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Groenburgwal Love Bridge

Now that Paris broke your life-long dream of placing on a lock on their bridge, you need to find an alternative. Lucky for you, Amsterdam has an endless amount of canal bridges for you and your partner to lock love. The most famous one is on the street “Groenburgwal.” The locks are taken down once in a while so the number of locks you’ll see can vary. Even if you don’t plan on leaving a lock, it’s still a spot worth visiting and a cute place for photos.


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Personally, I wouldn’t recommend taking an Amsterdam canal cruise. The tickets may be inexpensive, but I think it’s a waste of time being stuck in a large enclosed boat with 50 other tourists and trying to see the city through plastic windows. Instead, (if the weather’s nice) rent a boat or for a cheaper alternative, bike through the water with a canal bike.


IJ Hallen Flea Market

If you and your partner love everything vintage then you’ll want to go shopping here. Of course, Amsterdam has traditional shops (Keizersgracht) but it’ more known for it’s two-floor thrift and vintage shops. You can find one almost anywhere in the city but here are a list of shops to make your life easier:

  • Episode
  • Bijs Ons Vintage
  • Marbles Vintage
  • JuttersDok

If you’re really a vintage lover then check the IJ-Hallen website to see if your trip matches up with the biggest flea market in Holland.


On Leidsegracht, right off Herengracht

I’m saving this one for last, because it’s very cliché. If you’ve watch The Fault in Our Stars then you know about the famous bench in Amsterdam. I’ve heard that the government took it away but recently put it back so now you can take as many selfies as you want!

2 thoughts on “6 Things to do in Amsterdam with Your Partner

  1. Love your blog and this post!!

    Vondel park picnic is such a great idea.Thanks for the points. I will definitely have to try them out when I go back with my boyfriend.

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