How I Changed my Breakfast Routine

Anyone who knows me-knows me really well, knows that I love sugar. I have the biggest sweet tooth (although, I don’t like chocolate) so why not start off the day with a sugar high? Before I moved to Amsterdam, my breakfast routine was always, always (expect for the occasionally IHOP trip on the weekend) a bowl of cinnamon toast crunch and milk.

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Frosted Flakes + Bananas 😍🍌😛

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I don’t remember when it exactly started but I always remember eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast since I was little, whether it be Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes or Apple Jacks. But here in the Netherlands those cereal don’t exist! The first week, I hunted down my favorite cereal and all I could find was a small box of Frosted Flakes and it was 4 euros for one box, that’s wayyy too expensive so I thought this is the time to change things up.

I’ve replaced my morning dose of sugar with a smoothie bowl, which are super popular right now especially the acai bowls. They’re easy to make and a lot healthier than American cereals. I have fun making them and slowly have added different topping such as coconut flakes or pieces of granola.


My bowl always consist of my favorite fruits which include bananas, strawberries, kiwis, and blueberries but you can add anything to yours. Have fun with your smoothie bowl, add a bit of your personality into it and don’t forget to snap a photo before you eat it!



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