Keeping a Healthy Lifestyle Abroad

Not going to lie, living in a new city like Amsterdam has me eating all the delicious (but fattening) traditional foods. And by no means is there anything wrong about that, I encourage everyone to try out the local food your new city has to offer. If you’re in Italy, that means pasta for dayz but maybe you’re in France and you can’t get enough of those french pastries (I’m jealous).

Here in Amsterdam, I can’t get enough of chips (french fries) with mayo, croquettes, stroopwafels and poffertjes. But, I also want to make sure I don’t go back to the states with extra pounds, leave that for my suitcases.

Here are some quick tips to keeping a healthy lifestyle while studying abroad:

  • Buy your own food. Eating out can add up and add on unnecessary calories. (You don’t really NEED that dessert). When you make own food, you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.
  • Replace lunch with a smoothie bowl, they’re easy  to make and look great on your Instagram feed.
  • Explore your new city. I know you’re dying to check out all the cool places abroad so instead of taking the train or bus, walk or bike.
  • Follow healthy food & fitness Instagram accounts. Every time you open the app, you’ll be reminded to eat healthy and workout. My favorites are @getmydreambody, @dominika.po, and @bossfitchicks.
  • Build your own workout routine and write it down on a to-do list. Whether it’s what you usually do at home or you’re trying out something new, you’ll feel great afterwards.
  • Search for healthy food on Pinterest. It’s a great way to procrastinate and you’ll get excited to cook.

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