Alli Ricci-Fisher: New York Street Style


Photography by Cristina Vintimilla

Name: Allie

Age: 18

Hometown: Laguna Beach, California

Occupation: Student

Instagram: @alliericcifish

How would you describe your style?

Honestly, pretty beachy. I’m not really edgy but I just kind of mix and match with different things.

Talk about what you’re wearing:

Ok, I got some cute little ankle high heeled boots, some knee socks with a beautiful green dress, it was a find from my mother’s closet. This jacket is from a thrift store, this white scarf is from a store in Laguna Beach and this bag is from Forever 21.

What inspired this outfit?

I like to layer things, I don’t like just a simple pair of pants and a T-shirt. I like to mix it up and try to do something different.

And you’re from California, how does that change things?

Yeah, It’s hard for me to stay warm here but this works.

If your house caught on fire, what’s one thing from your closest that you would take?

Probably this big black sweater I’m wearing. The pockets are huge, I can fit my phone, everything else I need and it’s just long enough to cover if I don’t like my outfit.

What is your ultimate styling tip?

You have to stay comfortable. I hate wearing real jeans because they’re just not comfortable. When you’re comfortable you look cute.

Where do you usually shop?

I like little boutiques but also Forever 21,H&M, Urban Outfitters. I like to take their ideas and find them in smaller boutiques.

What inspires you?

Staying adventurous, always exploring and doing something new.

Well you’re visiting from California, what’s what your favorite thing about New York City?

Just how different every area is and how many things you can find and do here.

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